Author: Annie Stewart


Annie Stewart

All blog posts of the author Annie Stewart

5 Facts to Know About Ostomy Deodorants and Odor

5 Facts to Know About Ostomy Deodorants and Odor

Ostomy (more commonly known as Stoma) is a surgical opening that is created on different regions...
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Why Does Infant Formula Score Over Cow's Milk?

Why Does Infant Formula Score Over Cow's Milk?

The diet of a growing baby is a mother's constant cause of anxiety. When should the infant learn to...
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Top 14 Queries About a Disposable CPAP Filter

Top 14 Queries About a Disposable CPAP Filter

Around 3 in 10 adults suffer from mild sleep apnea and 1 in 15 suffer from it severely. It is a...
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The story behind the toilet paper crisis during the 2020 pandemic

The story behind the toilet paper crisis during the 2020 pandemic

Speaking of the days when the worldwide lock-down was only a few days away, I was awestruck when I...
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What’s new in this year’s back-to-school shopping list?

What’s new in this year’s back-to-school shopping list?

Back-to-school season is here! But with the pandemic, how different will be the school essentials...
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