Author: Debby Huffman


Debby Huffman

All blog posts of the author Debby Huffman

6 Common FAQs for Patients using Nebulizers

6 Common FAQs for Patients using Nebulizers

The basic mechanism of a nebulizing machine is the conversion of the liquid medication into an...
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Non-Impregnated Packing Strips - A Brief Detail and Usage Guidelines

Non-Impregnated Packing Strips - A Brief Detail and Usage Guidelines

Wounds can be of varying severity – from small cuts too deep gushing wounds and are treated...
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How do Lancets aid blood sugar patients?

How do Lancets aid blood sugar patients?

Glycaemia is a commonly known evil these days with every other household having one or more...
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Types of Biological Dressings for Wounds

Types of Biological Dressings for Wounds

Biological Dressing can be conceptualized as a form of Speciality Dressing that aids in treating...
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Types of Diabetic Skin Ailments & a Skincare Regime

Types of Diabetic Skin Ailments & a Skincare Regime

Diabetes is a threat in more forms than one. It can damage many vital organs of the body including...
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Compression Hand Sleeves: Do they relieve pain?

Compression Hand Sleeves: Do they relieve pain?

Hands are the most intricate anatomical structure which performs the most crucial duties. However,...
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The Non-adhesive way to attach your Ostomy pouch!

The Non-adhesive way to attach your Ostomy pouch!

Living life with an ostomy pouch attached to your body is not easy. In the beginning, it often...
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Which Ostomy Pouching System Would you Choose?

Which Ostomy Pouching System Would you Choose?

The first day of your ostomy life is akin to the first day of your new job! A lot of things running...
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Incontinence: Adult Briefs & Diapers to its Rescue

Incontinence: Adult Briefs & Diapers to its Rescue

As the wheel of life moves on, you gradually find that the care with which your parents and elders...
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Sterile and Saline Water: A Basic Idea to Aid in Wound Care

Sterile and Saline Water: A Basic Idea to Aid in Wound Care

Cleansing happens to be one of the first steps of wound care. From injuries inflicted at the...
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Knee Braces: An Overview

Knee Braces: An Overview

Braces are a boon for people with knee injuries and age-induced problems. It is also used by...
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Worried about canned food? Here’s why you don’t have to...

Worried about canned food? Here’s why you don’t have to...

For the first time in my life, I wondered if canned food was good for health (as we were all...
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The office supplies industry amidst the pandemic

The office supplies industry amidst the pandemic

All through the pandemic, the office supplies industry tailored itself to meet the needs of the...
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