When you are stressed, there are some physical symptoms that disturb you the most? It’s perhaps a nauseating backache or your neck that pains and feels heavy! Over the years I have come to realize the saying: 'work is a never-ending process'. If you can tackle situations diligently, things will work out well. But sometimes when you can't, you get stressed.  'Stress' is, therefore, an unavoidable intruder in your life. You can lessen the frequency of its occurrence but not eliminate it!

Embalming a backache or neck pain is hence often the need of the hour. This article delves into a discussion on what back supports or back braces are and what kind of relief do they provide?

Functions that back support normally serve...

It reduces lower back pain

How back supports aid in reducing back pain has been a concern for long. Research has revealed that they indeed help in reducing some of the extra load that tends to rest upon the lower back region. As the latter is relieved, it tends to provide comfort to the whole body. In the process, every joint, muscle, and disc of the spinal structure is relieved of any strain caused due to poor posture.

Catalyzes the recovery procedure after an injury

The normal reaction of your body to some kind of injury (to the body’s back) is tension in the muscles. The use of back braces helps in reducing pressure on the injured area. This induces the healing of the injured muscles while providing additional protection.

Controls the range of motion while the body is still healing

Wearing braces saves the individual from sudden harmful and/or unnecessary movements such as bending forward impulsively (to pick up an object) or turning sideways and so on. These careless mistakes tend to put the body in painful postures, especially when your back is healing after an injury or surgery!

Controls micro-movements of the spinal segments too

Segments of the vertebra experience micro-movements too. Especially in case of a fracture, there is some amount of muscle tension, irritated joints, and such other phenomena that induce some kind of continuous pressure on the spinal structure. Back supports prevent the occurrence of these micro-movements too.

What are the resolutions for pain management? It could be physical therapy for pain management. However, when it comes to back health, it has been observed (though not medically proven) that back braces are at times highly effective in the treatment of back trauma!

Why is it important to consult your orthopedic?

Although back braces are available over the counter, there are certain reasons for you to consult your doctor. Braces may be worn for certain hours of the day for a few days or weeks. This period needs to be properly prescribed because the overuse of these supports may cause atrophy! Atrophy results from over-dependence on braces. Your back seems to forget some of the tasks that it needs to perform on its own once the support is removed! To avoid such core muscle atrophy a correct prescription of the duration of wear is necessary.

The grey part...

Since the medical literature available on the effectiveness of back braces is comparatively insufficient, many questions on this item sill remain unanswered. Which is the right indication for the use of a back brace? When does a medical expert determine that the issue will be better resolved by braces rather than medications or other treatments?

A medical professional could however guide you with the use of back support to ensure maximum effectiveness while keeping muscle atrophy and other negative effects at bay!