The matter concerning health vitamins and food supplements has surfaced a bit more prominently post the pandemic situation. This is because we all are over-stressed with the virus attack and its impact on human lives and everyone is hunting for ways to protect their health.

In the face of a virus attack that does not have a strictly recommended line of treatment or medication, it has been advised by experts to take care of one’s immunity levels! Online orders for multivitamins and supplements have therefore surged in the past few months and here’s a guide on how you would choose your nutrition pill.

Who needs a vitamin supplement?

Are you adhering to a balanced diet sternly? If yes, you perhaps do not need a vitamin supplement. There are some vitamins, which people require in small quantities for their body to function properly. Vitamin C and iron are two of them. Note the terms “small quantity”; whereas vitamin deficiency isn’t good for you, an overdose of vitamins is not healthy either! Instead, those chunks of the population who are at risk of a vitamin deficiency should necessarily go for these nutrition pills. The following discussion incorporates the various groups who would require a vitamin intake…

American and the people in the Latino populations

Remember the inference drawn from the COVID infection pattern towards the beginning of 2020? It was largely noted that the European and American people were attacked more severely and in large numbers. Researchers upheld a probability that questioned the Vitamin D levels of the population in these countries. It is known that the above-discussed groups are the ones with lower levels of Vitamin D and this deficiency is associated with higher inflammatory levels resulting in the severity of illnesses!

Dark-skinned individuals

Darker skin shades are again associated with the same deficiency that we have been talking about for so long. Yes, there's a tendency of a shortfall in Vitamin D again, and logic goes very simple – melatonin in their skin blocks Vitamin D absorption and also its conversion to the active form!

Who needs a Vitamin D supplement?

Women who are pregnant or trying to conceive should take a Vitamin D supplement. Even breastfeeding mothers are sometimes prescribed these supplements.

Even if breastfeeding mothers are taking Vitamin D pills, the infant is advised to intake 8.5 to 10 micrograms of Vitamin D from birth. However, formula-fed babies do not need such supplements as formula food is already injected with all essential vitamins and nutrients.

Older or aged people, individuals working in night shifts, and other segments of the population who are lesser exposed to the sun either due to their lifestyle or work pattern, are highly advised to take Vitamin D supplements.


Other vitamins to boost your immunity levels

B Vitamins – They play a role in metabolism. Proper metabolism aids in keeping you healthy and fit. Vitamin B is often recommended for people with an array of health issues. Many simply suffer from indigestion and lack of appetite which leaves them with insufficient nutrition that calls for a vitamin B supplement.

Magnesium – Mg is an electrolyte that is needed for heart health, muscle health, and other health factors too. Magnesium tablets are usually recommended to people suffering from heart problems, body aches, etc.

Iron – This is one of the key nutrients that most women during their pregnancy period or menstrual age tend to lack. It’s not that men do not suffer from iron deficiency, but, the probability is higher in the case of women. You can well imagine how important this nutrient is as iron helps in oxygen transportation!


The correct and appropriate proportions of all vitamins and nutrients are imperative for a healthy life. But these pills don't need to be taken by all and sundry. Apart from food habits, certain lifestyle factors can adversely affect the nutrient levels of your body. If you can't find a way out of it, find your personalized vitamin and food supplement regime from your health advisor soon!