Certainly, you are here for a reason; it could be a business plan – new or for renovation purpose; whatever it is, it revolves around a healthcare facility! It’s a noble job, where, its warriors – the doctors, nurses, and other professionals are often praised for their services. Well, there are some silent heroes too! The 'patient furniture' – the beds and accessories – their manufacturers, designers, and many others are inclusive in this group of 'silent heroes'.

A healthcare facility requires meticulous engineering to match the comforts required by aged, disabled, partially, or completely bed-ridden patients! It, therefore, demands great designing skills too. Here are 4 things you necessarily need to keep in mind, while setting up a patient care facility...

1. The height of seating arrangements –

Normal sofas or sitting chairs may not be always suitable for patients! This is because both geriatric and bariatric patients might find the normal sittings areas to be too low and uncomfortable. Especially those with pelvic issues, plates fitted in their pelvic region and obese individuals need to sit at a certain height!

2. Ensuring privacy and security –

Storage cabinets with locks are one of the essentials in the patient’s room. Your patient might carry some expensive belongings. A cabinet under lock and key lets him or her be at peace while other issues need to be taken care of (during an OT or a radiological test!).

Privacy is maintained with the help of proper curtaining. Curtains are a part of your aesthetic choice. Their design and hue should not only serve the purpose but also be soothing and relaxing to the patient’s eye! Visitors to the hospital also get a calming and positive vibe from the hospital interiors!

3. Does your furniture allow ease of cleaning & infection control?

Plush fabrics or traditionally woven coverings aren’t a good choice for hospital furniture. Instead, the materials should be such that they can resist stain and are durable too. Fabrics tend to absorb liquids leaving stains that need special removal treatment. A vinyl surface, on the other hand, would easily allow you to wipe them away! If the surfaces do not allow moisture to get trapped, it is an added advantage for your maintenance hacks! Since this deals with vulnerable patients, the cleaning regime needs to go a step further! Wiping must include disinfectants. However, you are preferably advised to go for furniture with antimicrobial properties.

4. Not only visitors and outdoor patients but also the in-patient’s comfort is crucial

Beds and accessories play an important part in looking after the comfort and well being of patients that are being admitted to the hospital. A hospital bed is meant for all of these – comfort, mobility, accessibility, some amount of physical support, and protection too! Apart from these functionalities, it serves to add to the aesthetic ambiance of the room!

To fulfill the functionalities discussed above, hospital beds are equipped with various accessories such as bed rails, over-bed tables, bed wedges, electric or hydraulic patient lifts, transfer boards, and many more. Hospital beds have therefore been an element of research and innovation in the medical research fraternity.

Setting up a nursing home or health unit encompasses a lot; it’s almost like building a small town that would have all the amenities so that the individuals living – bed-ridden, partially sick or fast recovering – are able to spend their days comfortably! So, the task of dealing with its interiors – the design and functionality required as well as the costs incurred - is not easy!