Tracheostomy is an operative procedure of making an orifice (hole) on the anterior part of the neck to place a tube into a person’s windpipe for breathing. The entire process bypasses the utilization of mouth and nose.

There are several reasons for performing a tracheostomy. It can be neck cancer, chronic lung disease, diaphragm dysfunction, tumors, laryngectomy or a medical emergency like airway blockage.

Tracheostomy tends to possess its own set of complications – bleeding, trapping of air, esophageal damage, blockage within the airway walls by blood or mucus. Many of these complications can be dealt with proper care and regular monitoring.

What is Tracheostomy Suctioning?

Suctioning removes the layer of mucus and secretion from the trachea and the lower airway which cannot be coughed out. The process requires a suction pump to pull out the blockage and clear the airway for unhindered breathing. Suctioning helps prevent pulmonary aspiration which can lead to lung infection.

Suction Pump:

Suction pumps are both stationary as well as portable for a patient on the move. They use an extended, thin and flexible catheter to vacuum out the secretion which is then collected in a detachable jar. Suction pumps can be mechanically as well as electrically operated. In several healthcare facilities, suction regulators are provided that are connected to the medical vacuum supply by a pipeline system. The pump comes with additional components like a collection canister, bacteria filter, and aspirator tubing kits.

How to operate a suction pump?

1. Connect the suction pump to a grounded outlet.

2. Inspect the lid of the container and the tubing that connects the collection container to the pump.

3. Activate the pump and crimp the extension tubing to make an air blockage. (if the pressure gauge does not fluctuate, recheck all the connections for leakages and punctures; recheck the container lid)

4. Using the control dial, set the pressure gauge between 15” and 20” of Hg (for adults) (For a child, the pressure must be less. Consult a professional for better understanding of suction pressure)

5. After fixing the pump, connect the oral catheter to the extension tubing.

Suction Pump power requirements:

Suction pumps are available in 110 volts systems that run in homes, rechargeable battery systems and both combined. Patients who require frequent suctioning use rechargeable pump to safeguard from power outrage.

Equipment and Supplies:

1. Collection jar with overflow protection and electrical or battery-powered aspirators.

2. Suction catheters (Appropriately sized).

3. Boiled tap water, cooled and stored in a clean container.

4. Sterile disposable gloves.

5. A resuscitator bag (if medically indicated).

6. Sterile saline solution (if medically indicated).

7. An oxygen source (if medically indicated).

8. Suction devise.

9. Sterile distilled water and a cleaning solution.

Suction Pump Safety:

  • Always use Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) when using a suction pump as they come in direct contact with internal fluids.
  • Always sanitate hands after suctioning.
  • The collection container should not be filled more than 75%.
  • Go through the user manual before employing a suction pump.

Common Pump failures:

Common causes of suction pump failure can be leakages in tube or container, blockage in the tubing, bad/missing pump parts, or insufficient pressure.



  • Filter cleaning.
  • Collection bottle cleaning (after every use).
  • Air vent cleaning.
  • Sterilize containers, tubing, and other supplies in disinfectants.
  • Change bacteria filter if discolored or wet.
  • The float valve should move freely.

[All the items are to be cleaned by soaking in one-part vinegar and 3 parts water for 30 minutes and then rinsed with clean, hot tap water]

2-3 Months:

  • Filter replacement.
  • Motor brush cleaning.
  • Verification of the overflow valve.
  • Ensure vacuum functioning.
  • Inspect electrical circuits and plugs.

The latest suction pumps are lightweight and portable. They are technically advanced and can clear the most clogged airways promptly giving the patient quick comfort.